Myofunctional Therapy

Comprehensive Exam

A full evaluation runs 60-90 minutes. During this appointment the following will be assessed; muscle function, facial structure, airway, TMD, along with feeding and swallowing. Photographs and dental measurements will also be completed. Afterwards a detailed report with indivualized therapeutic goals will be sent to the patient and referring medical provider.

How long does therapy take?

Orofacial myofunctional therapy is indivualized, and each patient has their own set of goals. Exercises are typically practiced 2-3x/day and therapy sessions run 30-40 minutes. They are done weekly or bi-weekly in the first and second phases of therapy, and then spaced out in the 3rd phase to ensure habituation.

Successful therapy

Successful therapy is dependent upon patient and parental commitment to get the best results. Daily exercise is necessary to achieve proper muscle function. An open airway is important for optimal results, sometimes a referral to another healthcare professional, such as an ENT, may be needed prior to onset of treatment.

How does myofunctional therapy work?

We will create an individualized program to retrain your orofacial muscles and improve function. Some goals of your training might include normalizing the resting posture for your tongue and lips, establishing nasal breathing patterns, or eliminating harmful habits like thumb-sucking.

As you retrain these patterns, your myofunctional therapist will help you increase awareness of your mouth and facial muscles. The therapist will most likely give you exercises to complete at home to focus on ideal swallowing, breathing, and resting patterns. Practicing these positions and movements will increase your muscle strength and coordination.

Eventually, myofunctional therapy should improve your OMD symptoms — from speaking more clearly to eating more efficiently and sleeping more soundly. You might also enjoy some cosmetic changes in your face and smile. With a diagnosis from your dental professional, and help from a myofunctional therapist, you can treat your orofacial myofunctional disorder, correct your mouth’s alignment, and get your smile back on track.

Positive Impact: With myofunctional therapy, a patient can regain the joy of eating, speaking, breathing, and even sleeping more soundly. Cosmetic improvements can help restore confidence and self-esteem. We believe that everyone deserves to be educated about myofunctional disorders and treated if they suffer from OMDs. We endeavor to increase awareness of OMT amongst the medical, dental, and academic communities to support the acceptance and progress of this profession world-wide.